What's the Deal with Stamps?

I wonder why postage stamps are in such odd amounts. I mean, here they go raising the price of stamps again...the new price will be 42 cents. Why not 45 cents? Why are there always pennies involved? It's not like the American public is going to picket the post office if they raise postage by 6 cents instead of 3 cents...c'mon! (Haven't seen any riots over increasing gas prices, have you?) That's still 2 letters you can mail for less than the price of a candy bar! OK, let's look on the bright side...if they only raise the price by 3 cents you can feed your piggy bank with the change you'll get back. And if your eyesight is good enough you can stand outside the post office and collect all the spare pennies on the ground. (My daughter once flew from Chattanooga, TN to Greenville, NC round trip with money she found in parking lots and in the community pool.) OR....you could save up the spare extra change and buy a really neat scrub cap from NurseNoggins.com. (By the way, the picture at the top is from my porch. Colorado is such a great place to live!)
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