Nursing School and the Internet

Nursing school was really tough. It was a long time ago, but the memory is so clear. I attended a Catholic college (I'm not Catholic) and boy, those nuns were ruthless! I'm not so sure that's the optimal way to learn, but nonetheless it was effective. Nursing Boards were a killer, but I passed. I can only hope the Internet experience is the same. I wonder why getting a website recognized by Google is so tough. It's been painful! For over a year I've researched and experimented and it seems like the more you learn, the more you find out there's a lot more to learn. I thought you just had to produce a morally decent website with a product that sells and POOF! your website was presented to millions of viewers. Not so! My NurseNoggins site appears on Yahoo when you type scrub caps in the search bar (they know a good thing when they see it) but only appears in Google as a sponsored (definition= paid for) site or when you type in the exact name. So I'm armed with friends who give me hints, endless net searches and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Growing Your Business with Google. If you have a pertinent site, let's link!!! Best offer you've had all day!!!
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