It's Amazing How Far Scrub Caps Reach

I met a young man yesterday at my friend's house. Her only computer is in her son's room so we sort of interrupted a visit he was having with some friends. Anyhow, I was showing her some stuff on my NurseNoggins website when this young man asked what we were looking at. We told him "scrub caps" and he replied that he had worn one recently when he assisted a doctor doing a vasectomy. (If it wasn't for my scrub hat wesite we probably wouldn't have even started this conversation.) Turns out this guy is 20 years old and in the US military.(I'm very ashamed to say I can't remeber his name, but I DO remember his face.) He said he's going to Iraq soon. I asked him if he's scared and he looked a little sheepish and said, "Yes, I am." I wonder why we quickly forget that these young soldiers are mere boys, youngsters who should be skiing and four-wheeling and seeing the latest Mission Impossible flick. What sheer terror his mom must feel sending him off to war. I applaud all our servicemen and women for their courage and dedication to our country. I thank you all for making my life better and safer and easier. I wish you all a safe return.
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